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Resources for Researchers: Writing & presenting papers

Resources for Researchers

General writing tips

The Queensland Government has a Web writing and style guide document which provides information about many writing style questions.

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and these are provided as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.  The OWL provides comprehensive guidance on general writing, research and citation, and subject-specific writing as well as helpful resources for ESL writers and an Introduction to grant writing. 'The writing process' reached by navigating through 'General writing' on the left-hand collapsible navigation menu, is a good starting point which includes a section on 'Developing an outline'.

The Online resources for writers site from Amherst College provides a curated list of additional resources to assist writers.

Writing scientific and technical papers

There are numerous resources available both in print and online.  Some online resources are:

Try searching the library catalogue using searches like scientific & writing or science & writing or research & writing. Results will include style guides and writing guides - both print and electronic - including those listed here.

Communication and presentation

Poster presentations

Conference presentations

  • Presenting well - American Psychological Association.
  • Ten secrets to giving a good scientific talk - Mark Schoeberl and Brian Toon, National Center for Atmospheric Research, American Geophysical Union.
  • Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me - TED Talk: Melissa Marshall brings a message to all scientists (from non-scientists): We're fascinated by what you're doing. So tell us about it — in a way we can understand. In just 4 minutes, she shares powerful tips on presenting complex scientific ideas to a general audience.

The following books are available: